Monday, January 8

A sauna for dolls

Well, more accurately, a sauna for doll parts. I've got an Annie-in-progress baking in the oven at the moment. She's already stitched and stuffed. And she's been painted with a walnut ink solution. Baking her in the oven (at the lowest temperature my oven will go...170 degrees F)will cause the ink to dry with interesting stain patterns. Air drying just isn't the same. And the bonus is that she'll be ready to finish fairly soon.

I'm trying to resume our normal routine today, including homeschooling. We're getting a late start on schoolwork (about to start now) but at least we're fitting it back in. Hopefully we'll get an earlier start tomorrow.

Gotta run...later, gators!


Junie Moon said...

I never knew you could do this sort of thing with dolls--a sauna, how funny! Of course, I've never made a doll so this is a whole new learning curve for me.

Renee said...

Oh man, first I was like What the heck is that thing!? Then I started laughing realizing it was a baking doll.

You need to blog about what you and the kids do for schoolwork, and what your day looks like. We desperately need some rhythm in this house. I'm terrible at structure, but Lydia seems to crave/need it.

Jenny said...

Baked doll for dinner. And I suppose you have dressed up the chicken in a dollie's dress.

Renee said...

Oh, and also, because I'm so nosy, what kinds of stuff are you using with Mason? He and Lydia are roughly the same age, and I need to get some fun ideas of things to do together. She told me she wanted to learn to read, but it's like pulling teeth to get her to sit with me and try, so I've moved that to the back burner until she seems more ready.

~~Deby said...

I am browsing your blog this morning...and I came across this and thought that it looked like something from CSI....smiling here.
You are very creative