Saturday, October 14

Sicker than a dog, I am

This sickness has been trying to get ahold of me for a few weeks. Every 4 or 5 days I start feeling a bit off. Then I fend it off with Zicam. Well it finally got the better of me. Zicam lost.

It's 6:30pm and I just dragged myself out of bed. That's only because I am really thirst and in search of medicinal relief.

I made this tower of pumpkin muffins last night when I thought the sickness might be getting a foothold. My thought was that the kids would be able to fend for themselves a bit foodwise. It seems to have worked as the muffins are completely gone. I know my husband took 6 or 8 with him when he left to go fishing this morning. But still...there were 30 total.

Well, I just wanted to check in just in case anyone thought I was hoarding pictures of finished projects. I'm not. I promise.

Back to bed...


Unknown said...

Oh, you poor thing! Hope you feel better soon. LOL, my husband is off fishing today too!

Renee said...

Oy, I totally sympathize. We've all been sick here for a week and are finally getting over it. Of course, now I have my period. Ah, motherhood. Such joy!
The muffin thing totally happens here too, except it's usually me that eats them all. ROFL. And it's usually brownies. Whoops.
Hope you feel better really soon.

Jenny said...

Rest if you can and take care.

Gnomeful Things said...

Poor Dannielle! But, this gives you lots of time to lay in bed and dream of cute little things to make... because Lily is getting a farm for Chrismas and right now she only has chickens. So, get well soon!

Becka said...

Please get better! It totaly stinks to be a sick mama. I have found a big bowl of peanuts and popped corn is also a good way to fend off hungry kids while I am sick. I FILL my table with goodies and munchies, and then I pack myself back into bed.

Carrie said...

Hey there, came over here through Becka's. I hope you're feeling better soon!

Those muffins look yummmmm...