Tuesday, September 18

My swap quilt

I finished the quilt for the Four Season's Quilt Swap. It's 15" square. I promise, it really is square despite the wonkiness of the picture. Bad camera angle, lazy photographer. You know how it goes. :-)

The quilting proved to be a bit of a challenge. I quilted in the ditch. And it turned out to be a little difficult at the intersection of 8 points. I had to abandon my plan of even, tiny stitches early on as I encountered a bunch of bulk ever inch and a half.

Other than that, I'm pleased with the outcome.

I just have to make the label, which will go in the big blank spot in the center of the back. Then it'll be ready to mail off to its new home.

(See, it really is square)


Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous little quilt. I'm sure it's new owner wil be extremely pleased. Love the colours you used.

Birdydownunder said...

lovely quilt, love pinwheels of all sorts :)

Fanchon68 said...

pretty little quilt !

SympleTymes Cloth Art By Sherrie Nordgren said...

Oh WOW Dannielle your quilt is just beautiful! How can you make them so fast!!!!
Your quilt is almost as beautiful as you! So nice putting a face that you can connect to along with the awesome talent!

Knot Garden said...

The quilting looks great to me:) I'm sure your swap partner will love it.

Helen said...

Looks great! Love the strippey binding!