Friday, October 24
I've been slacking on the blogging again, haven't I?
I didn't mean to. Forgive me?
I've had a bit of tunnel vision going on here lately as I have been working on a big, huge order the past few weeks (mixed in with being sick). I'm finished now. Can I get a "Woo-hoo!"?!
Right now I'm busily working on getting some new bendy dolls finished so my shop isn't so empty. They'll be up sometime today (I'll update the blog!).
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12:53 PM
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Saturday, October 11
Crochet Pattern: My Favorite Cleaning Cloth
Just in case you need a reason to spend the day curled up on the couch, here's my favorite scrubby cleaning cloth pattern.
It's similar to my favorite dishcloth, except it's smaller and thicker. I've actually taken to calling them "half-doubles" because they're half the size and double the thickness of the standard dishcloths we use. They're a bit too thick for washing dishes, I think. But they're perfect for cleaning the bathroom or washing the floor when it gets done the old fashioned way, with a bucket and on your hands and knees.
And, the beauty of it is, it works up super fast. As in, I could make several in an afternoon spent on the couch watching movies. :-)
It's a great pattern for using up those little bits of cotton yarn that are leftover from other projects.
Using kitchen cotton yarn, holding 2 strands together throughout, and a size J hook (feel free to size up or down to suit your needs)
The finished cleaning cloth is about 6" square.
Chain 18
Make 2 DC in 3rd ch from hook. Skip 2 ch, then SC in next ch. *Skip 2 ch, 4 DC in next ch, skip 2 ch, SC in next ch* Repeat ** until end of row. Ch2, turn.
2 DC in first st (last sc of the last row). SC in the center of the 4DC-cluster (insert hook between the 2nd and 3rd DC). *4DC in next SC. SC in center of the next 4DC-cluster* Repeat ** until end of row. Ch2, turn.
Continue in this pattern until you have completed 10 rows.
At the end of the 10th row, ch 1, turn.
next row: sc in each stitch to corner (14sc). Ch 1. Make 14 sc along each of the remaining 3 sides with one ch in each corner. Then connect to the first sc with a sl st. Ch1, turn.
NOTE: The bottom edge where the beginning foundation chain is contains a couple extra stitches. Just skip a few for a total of 14 sts.
Picot edge:
Sc in first st. Ch 3, sl st in the same sp as the sc you just made. *SC in the next 3 sts. Ch 3, sl st in the sam sp as the last sc.* Repeat ** until you've covered all 4 sides. Connect last st to first sc with a sl st. Bind off.
NOTE: You could skip the picot edge and just do a few rows of SC all the way around (remember to add one chain stitch in each corner).
Weave in loose ends.
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11:08 AM
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filed under: knitting and crocheting
It's going to be one of THOSE day!
You know that kind of day where you know it's not worth even thinking about getting dressed? It's one of those days here.
The first big total-household round of sickness for the season has hit. Though I can't complain too much. I did sleep really well last night thanks to a combination of behind-the-counter NyQuil and Afrin nasal spray (I really hate that stuff but it works so well!).
While I was out picking up cold medicine I also bought the makings of a big pot of chicken noodle soup. I've also got some bananas that are begging to made into bread. Sounds like a plan. Good food for sickies.
So other than doing that bit of cooking, I can guarantee I'll be curled up on the couch, in my jammies, piled with quilts, watching movies and stitching and stuffing animals for the order I'm working on.
I really hope my new round of Netflix movies arrive today so I'm not stuck with whatever movies they have on tv. This is totally one of those times I wish we had cable tv!
Oh, and hey! Thanks to those who voted in the poll!!
I've had a few people tell me they voted for "no faces" but then found they liked the ones with faces once they saw them. You know what? The same happened to me!
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10:50 AM
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filed under: a day in the life
Monday, October 6
Well, guess what?!
The poll has convinced me to start offering bendy dolls with faces as well as faceless dolls. I've been crazy busy working on a super giant order but I manage to eek out a few new dolls to add to the shop ( ), including some cuties with faces. More (both sorts) will be trickling in over the next couple of weeks but the trickle will be slow until I finish this order.
I've been working on my photography a bit too. I've been doing that boring stuff like reading the manual that came with my camera and trying to get a little more creative with my pictures. Photography is not my strong suit and I'm totally willing to admit it. But I also know that shopping online is just not the same as shopping when you get to handle the items. So I'm working on it. Do you notice any difference? Improvement?
Do you make this big of a mess when crafting? I am still dreaming of a crafting studio. I think I've mentioned that we have one in the works for me. It's part of our basement finishing project. Which is the most slowly progressing home improvement project ever! So until the time comes that I have a dedicated space in which to work, I make messes like this. All over the ottoman in the living room.
Hey, see that thread rack with all the little bundles of thread? That is the best idea ever! I don't remember on which brilliant crafter's blog I gleaned that lovely idea, but it's truly inspired!
I almost always stitch with 2 strands of embroidery floss. For the longest time those remaining 4 strands got cast aside until they banded together and formed this massive thread tangle. It was such a mangled mess that it wasn't useable. But it was also such a big ball that it was obviously a huge waste to just toss it in the trash. And then I saw the idea to use a thread rack.
So any leftover threads get quickly wrapped around two fingers and placed on the rack. When I'm stitching I look there first for the color I need. So if you are dealing with a tangled thread ball, I highly reccommend using a thread rack to store leftovers.
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2:49 PM
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filed under: dollmaking, sewing and crafting
Saturday, September 27
So, what do you think?
I've been asked to make bendy dolls with faces a few times recently. I've made them without faces for so long for the whole Waldorfy reason of leaving them open to the child's imagination. I really like that idea-that the child can imagine any sort of expression they'd like for the doll rather than the constant frozen smile.
But, the faces are growing on me. So much so that I'm thinking about offering dolls with faces in my shop along with their faceless counterparts. But I'm hesitant because I've only offered one option for so long. Maybe there isn't any interest in dolls with faces.
A poll seems like the way to go here. :) Thanks for your input!
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11:40 AM
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Tuesday, September 23
Bendy Doll Bonanza
I've been working, working, working! And the end result: bendy dolls galore.
I listed them late this morning and already about half have flown the coop. If you'd like to take a peek at what's left, click here. Surprisingly, some of my favorites remain.
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2:18 PM
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filed under: dollmaking
Thursday, September 18
My goodness!
How flippin' cool is THIS?? I'm going to have to do this. Just an awesome, fun idea!!
I dare you... ;-)
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6:03 AM
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Wednesday, September 17
It's been a busy week!
It looks like I'm officially back to work. I'm thrilled to be back in full crafty mode. If you want to see what I've been up to the past week and a half just click here (it's too much to add to a single blog post!).
And for those who aren't interested in clicking links to look at get a picture of my cutie dog taking full advantage of the softness of a basket of Annies.
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4:22 PM
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Wednesday, September 10
On a roll...
Yes, ME! I'm on a roll. Can you believe it?! It's been a long time coming but I'm fully back to crafting! Good thing because it's totally time to begin stocking for the holidays!
I've just added some new bendy dolls to my shop and, chances are, there will be even more trickling in over the next few days!
And, not to be a total downer, but there will be a small price increase on bendy dolls beginning Oct. 1st. I've been making them for years now. They've evolved greatly in that time. They were originally very simple. But I get into details. And over seven years they've become MUCH more detailed. Which is fine, I love the details. But they do take much more time to make than they did back in the beginning.
It won't be a huge increase though. They'll definitely be worth it. ;-) But I did want to give fair warning and all.
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8:26 PM
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filed under: dollmaking
Wednesday, September 3
Oh no! She didn't!
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3:25 PM
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filed under: a day in the life
Friday, August 29
Guess who's been crafting?
Me! A little...but some. :-)
Just popping in for a quickie post as I have a list of things I have to get done today and putzing on the computer isn't really on the list. But, it seems, I'm avoiding that bathe the dog thing.
Gotta say though, I'm feeling that crafting urge that comes with fallish weather. I'm starting to get Christmas on the brain. You, too?
More pictures here and here.
Have a great holiday weekend!!
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10:38 AM
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filed under: dollmaking
Sunday, June 29
Crafty book sale!
But on to the fun stuff! I'm selling off some of my crafty books. Let me know if you're interested in any by posting a comment. If you don't have your email address enabled please include your email address or be sure to check back.
All prices are ppd, meaning they include media mail shipping charges.
Let me know if you have any questions at all. :)
Buy 3, take off $1
Buy 4, take off $2
Buy 5, take off $3
And if you're interested in a whole bunch lmk and we'll work a deal. I need to make some fast money to pay a bill by tomorrow so I'm open to working deals :)
1a- $10
1b- $10 SOLD
1c- $8 SOLD
1d- $15 SOLD
2a- $4
2b- $4
2c- $6
2d- $6
3a- $15
3b- $7
3c- $6
3d- $6
4a- $6 SOLD
4b- $6 SOLD
4c- $5
4c- $5
group 5- all $5 ea
group 6- all $5 ea
7a- $5
7b- $7
7c- $4
7d- $4
group 8- all $7 ea
a, c, d sold
b still available
9a- $7
9b- $5
9c- $5
10a- $7
10b- Minnow Knits HB $6 SOLD
10c- Minnow Knits, too PB $6 SOLD
10d- $7
10e- $7
group 11- $6 ea ALL SOLD
group 12- $7 ea ALL SOLD
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8:16 PM
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Saturday, June 21
Don't fall outta your chair!
...because I have actually stocked some bendy dolls in my Etsy Shop. I know. It's been a long time coming!
See those BIG bendies? They're a new size...the largest yet. They're 5" tall. The standard size you see there with them are 2.5" tall.
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11:26 AM
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filed under: dollmaking
Monday, June 9
My arm has been twisted
So here I am. Posting.
To commemorate the occasion I actually did something crafty...but still related to my recent obsession (the one that has been keeping me from crafting like I used to).
As you can see I've made a liner for my bike's basket. Yes, I'm a total dork and I use a basket. It may be dorky but it's also very handy. So now my stuff will stay organized on long rides.
I even made a little pouch that just ties on. I figured it would be handy for holding my mp3 player or my snack. I bring almonds with my sometimes and it will definitely be easier to get them from the pouch rather than having to dig them out of the basket.
I ride my bike on the Katy Trail, which is absolutely gorgeous. My sister-in-law and I are planning a trail-trip this fall. A 3-day, 2-night trip. We're planning to take the train from St. Louis to Jefferson City. Then we'll hop off the train and onto the trail (supposedly the train station is only a mile from the trail). Then we'll ride to Hermann (just across the river from McKittrick (the bridge has a bike lane) and stay in a bed and breakfast in Hermann (a wine town). The next day we'll ride to Augusta (another wine town) and stay in a B&B there. The next day we'll ride home to St. Charles.
I'm so totally psyched about this trip and am officially "in training" for the event. I want to be in good enough shape that it's a fun adventure rather than a torturous ordeal.
Oh! And while I've been off playing I reached my big weight loss goal of losing 100lbs. I could still stand to lose a bit more so I'm not finished yet. In celebration of reaching the big goal I went out and got my nose pierced (be warned...if you click for a closer look, the picture is huge!). It's something I've always wanted to do. And something my husband has always been against.
But a little over a year ago I asked him, "if I lose 100lbs can I get my nose pierced?". He snorted, rolled his eyes, and said, "yeah, sure, like that will happen". Now that the time has come he totally supports my doing it. :-)
So that's what I've been up to.
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1:29 PM
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Friday, April 11
It's official
Not only am I as boring as can be, I'm a bad blogger to boot.
I know, I can't bring myself to post lately. Why? Because there isn't much of anything to post about.
I haven't done anything crafty in over a month it seems due to a carpal tunnel flare-up. Instead I've been cooking, cleaning, making a valiant attempt to exercise regularly, homeschooling, keeping up with laundry, and thinking about making an effort on the yard this year.
That's it in a teeny tiny boring nutshell.
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8:52 AM
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