Wednesday, July 25

Giveaway packages are on their way!

It took me a bit longer than it should have, but the giveaway packages are on their way! I hope the recipients enjoy their goodies!!!

Not much going on here. Still feeling poopy. I'm headed back to the doctor tonight since I have one more dose of antibiotics to take and the sore throat, fever, and fatigue have returned. The rash from Hades has just started to take leave, so there's no way I'm going to take a "wait and see" approach. This has, by far, been the worst rash I've ever experienced in my life. I'll be shocked if I don't end up with permanent scars.

Oh well, I'm sure no one wants to hear me whine. I have no cheese to go with the whine (wine) anyway. :-) I hope y'all are having a great Wednesday!!

Edited to add an update: I just got back from the Dr. and the strep is gone!! YAY!! I just have a secondary yeast infection on the insane rash and where the throat spots were. I've got cream and pills and should be back to normal soon!! :-)


Journeying said...

Poor baby. Hope you can persuade someone to peel your grapes and fan your fevered brow and say, "There, there, honey." And provide the cheese - at least you've maintained your sense of humor - no mean accomplishment with such trials and tribulations.
Truly I hope you feel better soon.

Sarah and Jack said...

I had scarlet fever and strep when I was a pre-teen. It was really bad. I think I missed 3 weeks of school. :-(

Hope it passes sooner rather than later (and that you keep it on your side of the river!)(Insert a wink there.)

Becka said...

Oh danielle, I hope this goes away soon.

Nan said...

At least the strep is gone - now may the rest of it go away very quickly! You can't be sick for the rest of the year now - this is it!
Take care, Nan

Sabine said...

I hope you'll be better soon!
Antibiotics always make me feel worse...hope that isn't the case for you!

Anonymous said...

Hope your feeling better.